2024 has been a banner year with over 100 pastors graduating from our School of Theology with Certificates in Pastoral Studies! Additionally, we are making new in roads to both Pakistan and India. Our Mission trips this year have included East Africa, Pakistan, and next year will include India. Please pray for us as we move East into some of the most needed areas.
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October Mission Trip to Kenya Bush with BWM
We only have 4 spaces left for you to join us this fall for an exciting 10 days in Kenya. Our BWM team will experience real Africa by leading medical & evangelistic outreaches to remote villages, and visiting the BWM Bible Institute, meeting pastor/students. Four nights of our lodging will be in two of the greatest game parks in the world- Amboseli at the
... Continue ReadingBWM Annual Clay Shoot 2022
Please join Barry Wood Ministries for our Annual Clay Shoot – Benefiting BWM’s Africa Mission. When: May 11, 2022 Where: Elm Fork Shooting Sports 10751 Luna Road Dallas, Texas 75220 The Schedule: Registration (8:00 a.m.) Shoot Starts (9:00 a.m.) Lunch & Silent Auction (11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.) Raffle Drawing & Silent Auction Winners Announced (12:30 – 1:00 p.m.) Award of Winners (1:00 p.m.)
... Continue ReadingShepherd’s House Almost Finished!
In 2017, BWM began the construction of the Shepherd’s House Pastor Training Facility and construction is almost finished. The last item to complete is the dormitory, pictured above. We are seeking your help as we raise the funds to put the finishing touches on this incredible facility before our staff conference in May. We are offering multiple levels of donation opportunities and all funds
... Continue ReadingNorthwest Kenya Mission
Last month BWM Field Coordinator Mike Green and Kenya Country Director Pius Kuto travelled together throughout northwest Kenya and hosted multiple training sessions using lessons from the Shepherd’s Guide training manual. Throughout the week they met with over 80 Pastors and Church leaders, all from Churches that have either been started or are being discipled by one of our team. Running alongside the Great
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Earlier this month our team met with staff members Faustino Ringe and Jakisa Ufoyrwoth in far northwest Uganda just this side of the Congo border. It was an exciting trip! We drove across homemade bridges, had to navigate fallen trees, and all got stung when we passed a wild African beehive with our windows open. This was a follow up training session with several
... Continue ReadingBudadiri Baptism and Fellowship!
Uganda Country Director Willert Delgone has organized a monthly gathering of 7 local churches in this region to worship and fellowship alongside each other. Willert began work in this area several years ago by planting the first church. After being trained to share their faith this single church has gone on to raise up 6 additional churches. All 7 of these churches are part
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Thank you to the 12 American volunteers that came to Mbarara this past February to share the love of Christ with our Ugandan brothers and sisters. This part of Africa is a beautiful and mountainous region reminiscent of Southern California, but with many more matoke (banana) trees. BWM and several local Doctors participated in a medical and evangelism outreach in 3 different villages while
... Continue ReadingTrouble in Tanzania
Last week one of our ACT (Aids Combat Team) Men in Western Tanzania was robbed at gun point. Emmanual Bosco was travelling to perform video evangelism on his motor bike when he was stopped by several men holding guns and demanding payment. All of his money, his mobile phone, and his laptop were stolen. The robbers also slashed his tires and smashed the lights
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I broke my foot! I’m just getting back in the swing of things and I ran into a little bit of a speed bump. I played basketball this week with some friends and ended up with a broken foot. An incredibly embarrassing experience because it was with a group of people, many of whom I was meeting for the first time and also my
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