Changing Hearts
“As for you always be sober-minded, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.” 2Timothy 4:5
BWM is an evangelism outreach to the nations. We believe all people are lost until they are born again through faith in Christ. We believe people need a spiritual ‘heart transplant’ that only Jesus can give them. We go forth witnessing, winning, and transforming lives with the Gospel.

BWM is an evangelistic ministry that by preaching the gospel has seen tens of thousands come to faith in Christ. In villages where there was no church; our African- led churches now continue the ministry with indigenous pastors leading and discipling their own people.

Jesus Film
The greatest tool for evangelism apart from the Bible itself, is the Jesus Film. BWM has shown the film to 17 million people in more than a dozen local languages. Using this film to introduce Christ to those who have never seen a film is a miracle to behold. One out of every four people who see the film will pray to receive the forgiveness Jesus offers. By the year 2023 BWM will have planted more than 2,200 churches using the Film.

Evangecube Training
BWM was one of the very first to bring the Evangecube to East Africa in 2001. We’ve trained 100’s of pastors and evangelists how to witness using the “cube” and a fire was lit that is still burning bright. BWM has trained more than 110,000 Africans to witness using the Evangecube.

Volunteer Mission Trips
Our motto is “never take an America on mission to do for the African what they could do for themselves, if trained to do so.” So, a mission trip with BWM focuses on equipping the African to do God’s work better because the American served and equipped them.