Transforming Lives
“Therefore if man is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come” 2 Corinthians 5:17
We have learned you cannot transform a culture without first transforming leaders. Better men and better women make for a better world. BWM seeks to change how Africans view themselves and how they live the lifestyle of a Disciple of Jesus.

Kakuma Refugee Camp
Located in far NW Kenya, in arid desert terrain; there are nearly 500,000 Somali, Sudanese, Ethiopian, and other displaced refugees. Largely a Muslim population, few missionaries for Christ can exist there.
BWM has several good men on staff, living there, planting Churches and making disciples. This work is in it’s 6th year as of 2024, but with prayer and financial support many more can be reached. Already we have planted many “house” churches that are thriving.

Church Planting
Christians thrive in community with each other. BWM knows this and always seeks to put new believers in community by planting new churches. Since 2003, BWM has averaged planting 125 new congregations a year. Those that have survived and thrived have a pastor that BWM discipled and trained. As the leadership goes, so goes the church. BWM has 2,200 churches in 7 African countries.

Making Disciples
Someone once said, “ask not what you are doing,” but ask instead, “What are others doing because of what you have been doing.” That is the creed of BWM in Africa. Behind each of our African staff there are multiple “Timothies.” In many cases BWM disciple making process is eight generations deep. Our Staff are making disciples and reproducing themselves in others. Our churches are becoming reproducing mission minded churches.