Helping Hands
“and whoever in the name of a disciple gives to one of these little ones even a cup of cold water to drink, truly I say to you he shall not lose his reward.” Matthew 10:42
To reach a man’s heart you often must offer him a helping hand. Years ago we were told of an area in Tanzania controlled by witchcraft that had long resisted the gospel. Our strategy to reach these people was to drill water wells as evidence of our sincere desire to love and help these rural farmers. Several deep-water wells were drilled bringing life giving water to those who had little drinkable water. It was done at great cost and sacrifice to those who funded these wells.
We followed this with Medical missions, healing the sick, and praying with people. Then we brought the Jesus film announcing to the villages that we loved them, because God first loved us in sending Christ. When a drought destroyed crops, we bought grain, seed, and other food to meet their needs. Over time God gave us favor with the people and many came to faith in Christ.
Today there are nearly 50 churches in those villages. Helping hands opened closed hearts. BWM has followed this model over and over again. Every month we are funding refugees, orphans, and sending supplies for disaster relief-all in Jesus name. It is who we are and what we do. It is expensive, never ending, and requires many, many ministry partners funding this care to those in need. Every dollar given is used to preach the gospel.

Water Wells
Often we must demonstrate God’s love by providing life’s necessities, such as drilling water wells or even rain water retention on school or church buildings. This love in action tells people we genuinely care, and Jesus is the living water for those who believe in Him.

Medical Missions
Annually many doctors, nurses, and dentists have been used of God to open closed doors in villages by serving the sick. We offer meds and miracles in Jesus name. Thousands receive Christ and churches are planted because of these medical healers showing the poor that Jesus heals and saves.

HIV Training
Since 2003, BWM staff have educated over 14 million school age children and their parents in HIV awareness. Using films, lecture, and drama in the classrooms, our True Love Waits clubs are sponsoring sexual abstinence in African schools. The HIV pandemic is no longer a pandemic wherever our HIV program has gone. We have seen a cultural behavior change through this ministry.

Disaster Relief
Africa is a continent at risk; the needs are enormous, even daunting. However, BWM through the generous giving of ministry partners has fed the orphan, the refuge, and the homeless. Natural disasters in remote Africa like floods, locusts, disease, and famine are both a tragedy and an opportunity to bless people in Jesus name. BWM, through our staff have offered a helping hand, a prayer, and a hope.