Disciple-Leader Manual

The Disciple-Leader Manual is the product of 50 years of disciple-training with men & women. Thousands have used these lessons for their own growth, and then used them to train and mature others. This manual is available for free on this Web site and can be downloaded in its entirety or by sections. Please open the Table of Contents to see the chapters in each section in the manual.
You must have Abode Acrobat to view this file. It is recommended that you use Acrobat Reader 7.0 or above to read the total manual.
Because of the size of the manual we have divided it up in smaller files. This will make it easier to download a section at a time for printing or viewing. You can do this by selecting the desired section from the following list:
- The Disciple-Leader Man to Man (3,625K)
- Cover
- Integrity
- Table of Contents
- Section 1: The Disciple’s Walk
- Section 2: The Word
- Section 3: Warfare
- Section 4: Witnessing
- Section 5: The Work
- Resources
- Apostolic Passion
- Blessings and Curses
- The Theology of Suffering
- El Manual Líder-Discípulo (3,000K)
- Portada (1,000K)
- Integridad (288K)
- Indice (120K)
- Sección 1 – El Comportamiento (316K)
- Sección 2 – La Palabra (292K)
- Sección 3 – La Guerra (744K)
- Sección 4 – El Testimonio (996K)
- Sección 5 – La Obra (340K)
- Referencias (152K)
- Le Disciple – Le Leader (2,612K)
- L’integrite (48K)
- Table Des Matieres (279K)
- 1ere Section – La Marche Du Disciple (1,110K)
- 2eme Section – Le Disciple – Leader Et La Parole (805K)
- 3e Section – Le Disciple – Le Combat Spirituel Du Leader (1,385K)
- 4e section – Le Disciple – Le Temoignage Du Leader (646K)
- 5e Section – Le Disciple – Le Travail Du Leader (778K)
- Resources (175K)