The information age has greatly advanced both evil and good. Technology used for good has blessed millions in the African bush. Using Solar Backpack video systems, motorbikes, audio bibles, and other tools have made mission work a 21st century an adventure. It took William Carey a year to sail from England to India. Now we can reach anywhere in the world in seconds. We are using modern tools to tell the good news.
In most African bush churches there are few Bibles. Ignorance of God’s Word is appalling. BWM has supplied thousands of Bibles to our Pastors and their emerging young congregations. BWM has equipped 450 pastors with the ESV Study Bible.
Training Materials
East Africa has very few printed materials on Discipleship. Kiswahili, the lingua franca of 13 African countries has limited materials. BWM has created training manuals in Kiswahili, Kinyarwanda, Luganda, Maasai, French and English and Urdu (Pakistan). All available as resources on this Web Site.
Motor Bikes
Thousands of villages in the African bush cannot be reached by automobile. BWM Staff are mobilized Evangelists using motorbikes to reach the unchurch. 17 million have seen the Jesus film or HIV films brought to the village on a motorbike.
Solar Video Projectors
Rural Villages have no electricity, BWM staff must use solar powered Video projectors. Although the equipment is costly, the rewards are enormous as millions hear of God’s love and the gospel of salvation.