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Thank you for supporting us in our vision to reach the lost of Africa and to help those who cannot help themselves. We value your gift and pledge to use it wisely, frugally and to the greatest benefit. Your giving makes our work possible, Thank you! “…God loves a cheerful giver” 2Cor 9:7
Questions about giving or how to get involved? Contact us directly for more information on how you can help.
Call Us – (214) 789-1459
Email Us – [email protected]
Including BWM in Your Will or Trust
You can advance BWM for years to come by including BWM in your Will or Trust. The fruits of your labor can advance the kingdom even as you lay up treasures in heaven. Join us in reaching millions for Christ in Africa and around the world until Christ returns. We encourage you to contact your tax advisor or lawyer for their assistance in this regard. We are eternally grateful for your prayers and financial support as we pursue the “Great Commission” in Christ’s name.