Uganda Country Director Willert Delgone has organized a monthly gathering of 7 local churches in this region to worship and fellowship alongside each other. Willert began work in this area several years ago by planting the first church. After being trained to share their faith this single church has gone on to raise up 6 additional churches. All 7 of these churches are part of the Kingdom Ministries Fellowship (KMF) network which is the Pastor/Church Leader training arm of Barry Wood Ministries.
During the February meeting 9 people came to know Christ for the first time and asked Jesus into their hearts. Additionally, over 20 people were baptized in a local river as a testimony to the death of their old self and re-birth in Christ. We are so privileged to see the outreach of these local churches as Pastor Willert continues to Disciple and Shepherd their church leaders.

The KMF is a loose network of Churches that our team works with to provide biblical theological training. It is unfortunate, but many of the church leaders here in East Africa have very little training or knowledge of the Bible. Through this network, we are able to provide practical lessons that Barry and our staff have accumulated over their long careers working in Africa. Armed with the Shepherd’s Guide manual, a follow-up to our Disciple Leader Manual, our team is now equipped to help these leaders become mature Shepherds and Leaders of their congregations.
Now that the Shepherd’s guide is complete our team has practical and biblical materials to help them teach people of every level in their faith. Starting with the New Life in Christ we show new believers what it means to be a Born Again as a Christian and throw off the chains of their old life. Then using the Disciple Leader Manual we walk alongside our “Timothy’s” as they are discipled biblically and learn to replicate this process with others. Finally, the Shepherd’s Guide allows us to provide the leaders and Pastors, regardless of denomination, with in depth and very practical theological training that is rarely available in Africa.

All of the materials mentioned above are available for free on our website Ministry Resources page. Unfortunately, most of the people we work with have little access to the internet and are unable to download the materials. Printed materials have become one of our largest expenses. If you would like to specifically donate to printed materials please click Here and type PRINTING in the drop down menu.