What a glorious picture this is to those of us who have been working, praying, and trusting God to deliver this Brick Making Machine back to its home in Kenya. Five years ago, BWM loaned this machine to a sister NGO in Tanzania for use in making bricks for churches, medical clinics etc. We never imagined the struggle we would have getting it back.
Since last November, we have been dealing with Border Customs agents who wanted exorbitant amounts of money to allow the machine back into Kenya. After reaching what seemed the end of our options, and after much fervent prayer, the machine crossed the Tanzanian border into Kenya Sunday February 12 th !! God has parted the Red Sea and done what only He can do!
The Prophets House on Campus
We can now begin making our own bricks to start construction of housing for our visiting Professors. We are calling it the “Prophets House.” At the present, we must lodge our teachers at a nearby safari lodge at considerable expense. Each Semester we spend nearly $2,000 to lodge and feed the professors. The Prophets House will eliminate this expense and provide on Campus housing for teachers. The Prophets House will also be lodging for visiting American teachers, greatly reducing costs. We are excited to begin construction!
Funding the Prophets House
We need an estimated $50,000 to build a four-bedroom house. It will have two bathrooms, a living area and small kitchen. Construction will depend on funding from friends and other donations. We are praying God will move on the hearts of those who love missions to give generously to this project. Online giving is easy @ www.barrywoodministries.org. Please designate your specific gift to the Prophets House dropdown on the Support page.
The Other two building on Campus were built with our machine as well they are the Dormitory and the Training Center.