If you are like me, you really are tired of bad news! The world news is a daily bad story of a fallen, broken human race trying hard to destroy itself on the altar of its own greed, pride, and shameless selfishness. We watch the news of wars and rumors of wars, tribal conflicts, and natural disasters and wonder where all this is leading us. It seems we are racing over a cliff!
We who, are Christ followers, hold out the hope that Jesus will return and rescue us from this dark pit we are falling into. Yet even that great hope is dim and in the “not in my lifetime” category.
Let me share with you how I deal with the darkness and the day to day misery that surrounds us. It is not complicated- I simply look for the Light each day. I find the light, an ever burning candle, in the good news of the Gospel. God’s Story (gospel) is good news in the midst of the bad news. Jesus guided us here when he gave us a prayer as a model. He taught us to pray to our Father in heaven, and to ask for the coming of the Kingdom of God. Ask for it to come to earth so that God’s rule would be on earth exactly as it is in heaven. See, it is not complicated, really very simple.
Here are a few thoughts on the subject:
- You cannot have a kingdom on earth or anywhere else without having a King to rule it. So to pray for “kingdom come” is to invite the sovereign rule of a king to take charge.
- There is a King who has come and His name is Jesus.
- He is not just any ole king wearing a tin-foil crown. He is the King of all Kings. He rules the universe and whatever is beyond that too!
- Amazingly, King Jesus rules from his cross. He is a victim become a victor, turning a Roman cross into a throne.
- Because Jesus is King-He brings His kingdom with Him. Wherever He goes, wherever He is, His kingdom is there with him.
So, think of it this way- in the very midst of our dark world, so full of violence, death, sickness, fear and despair, our King is here and He is in control. That is why we must hold on to his calming words, “fear not“, and again “let not your heart be troubled.” His presence, purpose, and power are at work every day. He cannot fail so he will not fail us. His kingdom has come, is coming, and will come. I personally take heart in those truths. Let us not be discouraged nor despair. We win and we are winning every day. Just hold on to Jesus’ coat tail and enjoy the ride! Let him rule in your life today and everyday. He will bring His kingdom with Him and take dominion over you and all your circumstances. Bless His Holy name!