I am thinking today of the horrors of abortion. My reasons for these thoughts are varied.
First, one of our dearest friends has a preemie baby grand-daughter struggling to live on a ventilator. Last night I saw pictures of this 1 ½ lb. baby girl in her critical care unit, attached to wires, tubes, and hoses, struggling to breathe. It tugs at your heart. It makes me ask, “How could any mother want to abort a precious life like this?”
Secondly, I opened an email from Mexico with pictures of an orphaned street girl about 4 years old who was infested with stomach parasites and hair lice. She has been rescued by my friends in a Christian orphanage. Both of these little ladies have a chance at LIFE, because of the love and care of those God has provided to protect them.
There are millions of unborn children who were never given a chance to live- they were intentionally, viciously aborted in the womb. There was no one there to fight for them, or to nurture the life that God began in them. Thus, their little lives were terminated before ever being given a chance to grow into the lovely little people God intended them to be.
Something similar to that happens daily in your life and mine when we abort the life God has in planted in us. There is such a thing as spiritual abortion that terminates the life of Christ in us. It happens like this: God impregnates us at the moment of our new birth into His Kingdom. The very life of Jesus comes to live in us. Jesus said this would happen when he told His disciples,
“And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may be with you forever; that is the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it does not behold Him or know Him, but you know Him because He abides with you, and will be in you. I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.”
Notice WHO it is that comes to live in you-Jesus HIMSELF! You could say that the Christ’s church-His bride is pregnant with the very life of God. This is not baby Jesus in us, but the powerful, mature, Lord Jesus dwelling as LIFE itself inside of each of us who know Him.
So, are you nurturing, feeding, and otherwise caring for this life that is in you? If the life of Christ is not growing and maturing in you, then it follows that the opposite is truth-His life in you is being starved out, neglected, maybe even being aborted. You see, abortion is the rejection of life. It is the decision not nurture, to not feed or protect life. Abortion is not pro-life, it is anti-life. Spiritual abortion happens in me when I daily reject the life of Christ in me. I live without Him as though He never was born in me.
God help me! God forgive me! Paul the apostle said it right, “O that I may know Him, be found in Him, and experience Him in the power of His resurrection life!” Phil. 3:10