I have been away on vacation. That means no blogs, no nothing from me except silence. For us, it is a really good thing. Each year we like to retreat in order to regroup, and then advance. Our time away from the pressures of a large ministry and its demands is an annual season of refreshing. I wish all of you could do just that – refresh your soul. Now that we are back at the computer with its vast ability to reach so many with the message of God’s love and care, we are recharged and eager to serve.
Nothing has changed much in the dull days of summer while we were gone….lost in Rockies. Washington is still a mess, the world is still groping in the dark – finding little light. People are still self-absorbed in the struggle to make their lives either comfortable or meaningful; with only small gains at either.
And the stock market has shot the bull and the bears are running again. The economy brings its fear and angst once more to those who trust their future to such things. Welcome back Barry!
No Vacation in Africa
However, much good is being done in Jesus name. There are still places in this ol’ world where Jesus is praised and His kingdom advances. Barry Wood Ministries in Africa is weekly enlarging its territory, advancing the gospel, and planting more and more gospel centered churches. This year we are seeing an average of 14 new churches each month! These new congregations all have pastors we have trained to lead them. They will thrive under our watch care and in turn plant more churches. BWM now has over 1000 congregations in 6 countries of East Africa. So, not all of us have been on vacation! Many Africans do not have the word “vacation” in their vocabulary.
Student Ministry in Rwanda
Next week BWM will begin its first Student Ministry work in the university city of Butare, Rwanda. There are 5 universities in Butare, with many lost, young people enrolled there. There are also many believers there waiting for us to disciple them into future Leaders of their nation. We will begin introducing our student work by hosting a Christian student “Welcome Back” party in early September. I invite you to pray for this ministry. Our young staff guy leading the charge on campus is a 28 – year old engineering grad. He is well equipped to do well as a university student leader.
October Golf Event
This October 5th is our second annual Golf Fundraiser in Prosper, Texas. We’ll be busy in preparations for this fun event. Those of you who read this and do not play golf, you too can partner with us by making it a prayerful possibility of investing in BWM. We need your help as we continue to enlarge the Kingdom. Support is easy to do right here on this web-site. We are grateful to those who invest heart and money with us. Thank you.