A Christmas Gift has come our way in that the doors to another African country are opening for BWM. In November 2021 we met with a team of Zambian Christian leaders headed up by Lameck Siamalambo (pictured here). A week of training was led by Tanzanian Ministry leader Renatus Kanunu who gave these men a crash course in how BWM does Jesus film ministry in rural villages. Beginning in 2022 we will equip these men to do FILM evangelism with the prayer that thousands will be saved, and churches planted with Leaders we have trained.
Lameck Siamalambo (left) and his Timothies gather for teaching with Renatus (facing)
Zambia is in Central Africa on the Zambizi river made famous by Victoria Falls ( Zambizi Falls) and tourism to its national Game parks. However, the game we are after are the souls of millions who do not know Christ. Zambia is listed as a Christian country, but the reality is that the rural areas are filled with witchcraft, idolatry and ancester worship. It is in these remote villages where our teams will plant churches with the vision of changing darkness into the Kingdom of God’s dear Son Jesus.
We enter Zambia by faith, trusting God’s provision as we hire staff, train and equip them with Motor bikes, and video film equipment.