American moral values are on a slippery, steep, downhill slide into histories trash can. It seems every week that passes we face another glaring evidence that the country that America’s “Greatest Generation,” worked for, fought for, and died for, no longer exists. There is a new face of America and to millions of evangelicals it is an ugly, evil face.
Just take a minute and look at the backward steps our nation is taking.
Evil as we define it is advancing and the church is retreating. Each year we give up ground we once held to be our sacred trust. For example – traditional marriage that was once the foundation stone of American family life, is becoming a museum relic. If the United States Supreme Court mandates that all states must recognize same-sex marriages, then you can be assured the flood gates of relativism will come rushing down on the church, washing away any biblical boundaries we hold dear.
As we face the daily erosion of traditional Christian values, there comes a haunting fear that we have lost the fight. Let’s be clear what this fight is all about. It is not a man-made fight between liberals and conservatives, nor a fight between political parties and their divergent ideologies. This moral battle over values is not even what it seems to be. The real battle is between the god of this world and the God of All Worlds! We the people are caught up in a cosmic struggle for the soul of our nation. Spiritual forces are at work here and most Americans do not even believe such a spiritual world even exists! You tell me, how do you fight an enemy you do not believe exists?
Regardless of what post modernists and our University Intelligencia tell us about God being dead and evil being relative, we who know the Bible to be God’s eternal truth can know with certainty that is war for our values is in reality a struggle for truth as revealed in Jesus Christ. Those who oppose the church and seek to mute our voice, are pawns in the hands of the Evil One whose spirit is possessing our land. The devil hates our Lord Christ, and enjoys destroying those for whom Christ died!
So, as the rising tide of godlessness sweeps over the land, our hopes are swept away with the debris. In my lifetime, I have seen the dreams and positive vision of the church go from hopeful to hopeless. So many Christian leaders want to throw in the towel of defeat or at least adopt the view that if you cannot defeat your enemy – then join them. That my friend is what will happen when the spirit of Anti-Christ takes over the world.
I conclude with a hope-filled thought: because we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but rather against spiritual forces of wickedness in high places (see Ephesians 5) then we can rejoice that the battle is ours-we win! Christ our Lord is Lord over demons, dragons, and dungeons! He wins every battle and He will win the biggest battle at the end of time. We who are “in Christ” must not despair nor ever lose hope. We must place our hope in Christ, not man, politicians, or in man-made systems. Be hopeful as we together do our part to push back the darkness. He who is the Light of the world is with us, for us, and living His life in us! I am hopeful!