I am in Tanzania, Africa as I write this. Each evening when I return from teaching Christian leaders how to reflect the glory of Christ in their lives, I turn on the BBC news in my hotel room, and hear how American politicians are gridlocked so tightly…they are willing to defund the government of what has been the greatest nation the world has ever seen. When my African friends see this happening it frightens them. They ask, “How can this be?” They see America as the hope of the African church, even the source of support, education, and development.
In striking contrast to the mess in Washington DC, is the restored nation of Rwanda. Rising up out of the horrors of the 1993 genocide is a new Rwanda. President and genocide liberator Paul Gagami has shown Africa and the western world what good leadership can do to change a culture, even a nation.
Today the capital city of Kigali is the safest and cleanest city in Africa. The economy is booming, tourism is growing, and people have opportunities to live quality lives. All this from a government that leads and serves, rather than uses and abuses. This is not to say that ALL is perfect in Rwanda, it is not. However, it does tell me that leadership matters greatly in all areas of life.
I am in africa training young church leaders and pastors because I know that as the leader goes, so go the people.
If leadership can change African culture, then leadership can save America. God knows we need to throw most of the Washington bunch out and start over again. Knowing that isn’t likely to happen, we are left to pray for a National renewal and revival. May God bless America by blessing us with God-fearing leaders who hold tightly to the values that made this nation great-Faith, Family, and love for country.