Proposition #3 I can never be called a failure, when God chooses to call me His child.”
Romans 5:8 …while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Romans 8:1…there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus.
Romans 8:33…who will bring a charge against God’s elect?
My personal observation: Males (men) are harder on themselves than women. Why? Because men are very performance oriented. They seek perfection. They learned it from their fathers! Thus failing is a big pill to swallow for most men.
**Note: The only failure in your life that is final & fatal is the failure to be saved by the Blood of Christ.
Proposition # 4 God is interested in how you respond to failure. See Luke 15
What you may call failure, God may call a window of opportunity for learning.
Charles Colson in his book “Loving God” tells about his experience in prison. He remembered his life, which had been a perfect success story, the great American dream fulfilled. While in prison he realized all his achievements meant nothing in God’s economy. His greatest victory was his biggest failure, He saw that being sent to prison was more than his great failure; prison was the beginning of God’s greatest work in his life.
Proposition #5 God’s grace always seeks to use our failures to move us into Destiny.
God in His Grace towards us never fails to love us, and never fails to forgive us. His Grace never fails to seek to redeem us.
So, my word to you this day is- Stop embracing Failure as your identity, but rather embrace Grace and destiny as your identity.
God will use your failures to bring you to your Destiny, if you will trust Him to do so.He is more interested in your destiny than you are. “I know the plans I have for you says the Lord; Plans to bless you, not to curse you; plans to give you a future and a hope.”Jeremiah 29:11
Here are some action steps:
- Our obedience embraces Destiny. Our Disobedience diminishes Destiny.
- We can repent of sin, but never let failure keep you from Destiny
- Our failures become God’s opportunities to make good out of evil, thru restored Destiny.
“Welcome each day as an opportunity to partner with God in shaping His story- in you. See the day as Your Heavenly Father’s gift-a golden opportunity to enter into destiny. This day will never happen again- seize the opportunity to see God reveal your purpose in you.”