I am thinking about “puttin out Putin!”

That guy is aggressive. We, who watch the news, need to be continually keeping an eye on the Russians. That old guard of soviets still want world dominance and they care little for democracy or freedom. Furthermore they do not respect the USA or our President. They worry us for sure.
Leaders with power like Putin, has made for a dangerous world. I have been very interested in eschatology (the study of the end times) for some years now, and every time Russia struts its feathers, I pay attention. The hordes from the North, spoken of by Hebrew prophets, will come marching down to Israel one of these days. They are not coming to say “hello” but to say “goodbye” to the Jews and the state of Israel.
Revelation tells us a Beast is coming against Israel, and all who oppose him. We don’t know who he is or when he is coming, but Scripture tells us to get ready. Each generation seems to think they have identified the Antichrist, and they have all been mistaken. Martin Luther was certain it was the Papacy and the Roman Church. My parents’ generation fought Adolf Hitler, and their preachers said he was the Antichrist. They too, were misled. We must keep our cool and keep our predictions to ourselves. They do not help anyone.
I, for one, do not feel Russia, America, or any world power is in control of our destiny. That is in God’s hands. He knows and understands the signs of the times that we so often misread. Many of us are feeling the “spirit of Antichrist” is in our world in a very strong way. However, we are not looking for Antichrist, we are looking for Christ. He tells us to be busy preaching the really good news of the Gospel until He returns. That is something we can all do, until the Nations know His name. Then and only then will He return to put an end to those who serve the enemy.
We must “lift up our eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh our help.” So today, don’t fret, stay calm, God is in control of men, nations, and YOU!