More leaders are being trained each month in East and Central Africa. In late February the BWM Uganda Staff hosted a pastor/leaders ministry in western Uganda with 50 men in attendance. Each. Leader is given an ESV study Bible and is taught how to use it. Skills in evangelism, church planting, and disciple making are developed during the five days of training.
In early February, Barry led a Key Man Conference in Chiapas Mexico educating men in leadership skills to advance the Kingdom. Men from multiple denominations were blesses with good teaching in hermanuetics, sermon preparation, and evangelism. A really good time was had by all
Solar systems to show our films are going to Africa each month. We are replacing all our old technology with solar powered video systems which are small and portable. Our staff love these portable backpacks that can reach a crowd of 1,000 or more people at one showing. At a cost of $3,750 each, we are always looking for funds to buy this most modern technology for advancing the gospel and fighting the HIV epidemics in Africa. Of our 22 men in the field, only 13 have this solar video technology, but with continued support we expect to replace all generator powered film production in the next few months.
Sabina Wanjiru in Nairobi, Kenya has begun a new bible study group in the Mathari slums. Beginning with only a few, she had 25 souls the 1st of March with more coming each Sunday afternoon. God is giving her favor with gang lords, prostitutes, and the just very poor. We bought bibles for all recently, and it is a joy to see pictures of those who come carrying their Bible. We pray often for Sabina’s safety in the dangerous world she ministers to.