Don’t panic, the world is not coming to an end! At least not real soon.
So many of my friends are intimidated by the Muslim extremist and their barbarous acts of murder, mayhem and malice towards the West. They see it as bringing us to the end of the world. However, even as the Jihadists randomly attack infidels (as they see us) around the globe, let me caution you to informed, cautious, and prayerful, but not to panic.
I have strong reasons for saying this- the strongest among them is that God is in control! God does not slumber nor sleep in the midst of the storm. The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is in charge and working His sovereign will in the midst of terror. God will use all these things both good and evil to establish His Kingdom and bless His people.
I know that sounds simplistic, but history and my personal faith in Christ repeatedly confirms this profound truth–we win! Those who follow after righteousness, peace, and love often lose in the momentary, but they win in the long run. God has promised that all things are working together for good to those who love Christ and His Gospel.
This world as we know it- with its corrupt governments, crazy religions, greed and inhumanity to man will come to an end, but not by Jihadists who bring it down with bombs, guns and beheadings. The end will come when the Gospel has been proclaimed in ALL the nations and ethnicities of the earth (Matthew 24:14). My thinking is that we who love peace, must do a better job of living in peace, loving peacefully, and standing strong against those who would destroy peace. The only way to change hatred, be it Muslim extremists or whomever, is to love them with the good news of Christ and His sacrifice for them.
For example, thousands of Muslims are coming to faith in Christ every day in Africa. Barry Wood Ministries in East Africa this past year planted over 130 churches in 6 African countries. Many of those baptized were Muslims who came to faith in Christ. Those new believers will not become Jihadists! They have met the Prince who brings His peace with Him when He enters a heart. They will raise their children as Christians, not Jew haters or Jihadists. Yet, because they have renounced Islam, they will suffer persecution, some even death, but they will have peace!
Final word- all this conflict in our world will not go away; instead it is like a snowball rolling downhill becoming an avalanche of evil. Our task if at all possible is not to join the “wars and rumors of wars” but to advance the Gospel by winning the nations to Christ. Then and only then will the King return to deliver us from evil. We cannot fight our way out of this mess, but we can love, preach, and live as examples of peace. Be encouraged, the Gospel is being broadcast via satellite into Iran, Iraq, and China and in other dark places. The light of Christ is shining there. He will win out eventually. I am optimistic about this new year, not about Man, but about God!
Join me will you?