Did you read what radio talk show host Ann Coulter said about Dr. Kent Brantly’s medical mission in Liberia? I am shocked that this intelligent, Christian lady would make such immature statements on her website. It is absurd! I know Ann Coulter is a professing Christian, but this article that tirades against the money spent by Samaritan’s Purse to fly Dr. Brantly and the Carolina Nurse home is just ridiculous.
Her scathing words against Americans going to Africa to do mission work is petty, misguided and even selfish. It reveals to me that someone like Ann can be brilliant in one area (American politics) and utterly ignorant in others! I will stay out of the political arena, but I do wish well-meaning folks like Coulter would stay out of God’s business! She is not qualified to speak.
Stupidity #1: The argument that America has greater needs spiritually than Liberia or other African cultures is beyond stupid.
There are churches on every street corner in America, preachers on every TV station, and millions of Christian, Jewish, and other organizations doing mission work right here in America. This country of ours has the Gospel, has heard the Gospel, and is openly rejecting the Gospel of Jesus Christ. She is slamming the door shut in Jesus’ face! So, why would God not want us to go where He is welcomed?
Not so in Africa. The needs are monumental, the hunger for the Gospel is ravaging, and the reception is an invitation to come help us. It is a truth of history, Ann Coulter, that God has moved away from countries that rejected Him and has run to those who welcome him. His timing is always at the heart of a call to mission. We who are in mission work have a saying, “You must strike while the iron is hot.” Henry Blackaby says,” Find where God is moving and get involved.” Well, God is moving in Africa and we who know Christ and follow his lead must go there while the door is still open.
Stupidity #2: Ann’s idea that Dr. Kent Brantly just went to Liberia to have an “adventure” or a fun vacation is ludicrous.
We who follow Christ hear his voice. We recognize it when we hear it. When He calls us, we must answer. Dr Brantly and thousands of other missionaries are following their “call.” They would tell you God sent them there. They do not always want to be in a bad, dark, and difficult place – but God’s call is upon them. It is supernatural, not always reasonable or rational, but it is real to those called. They are not there to get attention! In fact they disappear from view for the most part.
Stupidity #3: Ann’s idea that we Americans should stay home and mind our own business and turn our backs on a possible worldwide Ebola epidemic is a flawed and fatal isolationism.
If we who know how to fight a virus like Ebola refuse to do so in helping the helpless, then this virus will be in your hometown before you can spell out E B O L A! God has blessed America with resources to bless those who have no resources. It is our God-given duty to help where help is needed. This country of ours has not always done the right thing for Africa – like standing idle while 900,000 Tutsi’s were murdered in the Rwandan genocide. Let’s not stand idle again while thousands die from this deadly virus.
Finally, Ann Coulter, you need to check your compassion meter – it’s running on empty these days! If you were a mother living in one of these epidemic infested countries, what song would you be singing today? I bet the lyrics would include, “Come help me, save my babies! Anybody, come help me. Save us!”