There’s nothing quite like getting home after 27 hours on three airplanes! Nearly 10,000 miles later and we are prosperous in Prosper (home). You simply must go with us sometime soon. Africa is a “trip” in more ways than one! Already, I miss the finer things in life that Africa teaches me. No, not fine dining, or fine wines or even most of what we stuffed Americans call our stuff. Africa’s finer things are mostly not on your list.
Fine People
Africa is wonderful to me because of Africans. They have an almost undefinable joy in the simple things that really matter. Those I am close to, love God, love their families and love the Gospel. My time with over 100 pastors renewed my hope that the African continent can show the rest of us how to do fulfill the Great Commission. They received the teachings we gave them with unrestrained enthusiasm. Giving an African bush pastor a Study Bible is like giving them a seminary education. We here at home have multiple Bibles in our homes and take it for granted, yet in an African church of 100 people about only 10 will own a Bible. Our hope is that by giving a study Bible to these pastors we will train this year, we can elevate the Gospel to place it deserves in the African church.
A Fine Appreciation
Maybe what I am saying is that the African’s I know definitely have a finer appreciation for things that God has given them. For three weeks I have been listening to Africans sing praises to God the Father without the aid of an orchestra, choir or praise team. Just hands clapped in perfect rhythm and angelic voices raised in praise to our King. Here at my church folks seldom clap, seldom sing and complain if the music is too loud or too long. What’s wrong with us anyway?
A Fine Gratitude
I’ll miss the smiles on dark faces with shining white teeth. What is it about an African believer in Jesus that makes them smile so? It is not that they are “care free” because they are not. Life is hard for them. A mama who has no way to refrigerate her food must buy todays food and cook it today. She cooks it over a charcoal or wood stove (using the word very loosely) bending over hours a day because she has no kitchen or table. Yet they smile, having an inner joy that only a real hope in Christ can give you.
A Fine Time
So, I had a fine time with fine friends, and will do it again later this year. We need to purchase 400 more Study Bibles at $25 each, so please think about how you can contribute to this mission to educate those bush pastors in East Africa, I would appreciate your investment in the finer things of life-God’s Holy Word.