Vows are promises we make with the full intention of keeping them-most of the time. I’m guessing the American idea of making New Year’s resolutions came out of the human need to do better. If that is true, many of our “resolves” are guilt motivated. Like, we ate too much rich food during those Christmas holidays. Not just too much, but too much of the sugar based foods. Now, we look in the mirror and cringe at the “extras” we see.
I am not making any promises this New Year. I have learned from my past weaknesses and failed resolves. My resolves often dissolve in a short time span. Here is a better way forward in 2015:
First, the calendar is just that- a calendar. It is made up of manmade formulas to keep track of the rising and setting of the sun. The date – January 1st, 2015, has nothing to do with your life as God sees it and wills it. Scripture tells us what God thinks of our calendar by saying,
“What is your life, it is only a vapor that appears for a moment, then vanishes away.”
To our eternal Father, a thousand years is as a day. The calendar doesn’t mean much to God.
Secondly, it is better to number our days than to worry over them. This idea of “number your days” is a biblical expression meaning you are to live your life each day as though it were your last. It means to live each day “on purpose.” That purpose being –God’s purpose for you.
So, making vows we cannot keep is in the worrying category. It is not productive, though millions think it is even spiritual to resolve to be better. Think on this for a moment- God knows your days! He knows every failure, sin, attitude, and decisions you make each and every day. What has He done with those days? He graciously nailed them to the Cross of His Son. (See Col. 2:14) My conclusion is that since resolving to be better hasn’t worked for me, I am going to live out this year differently. I tried it last year and it worked pretty well for me. This new year, I am going to rest in my Savior’s love. I am trusting He already knows my days, my comings and my goings. Knowing my history hasn’t changed His attitude towards me. On my best day-I will live by Grace, giving Him the credit and glory. On my worst days- same thing. I come to Him in godly sorrow and repentance, receiving more grace than I will ever need for each new day.
So, no resolving and guilt over failure for this house. Just walking with Him in the shadows and the sunlight!
Be resolved to love him, serve Him, and give Him Glory! You’ll do just fine with that.
Have a blessed new year!