It has been a week since I wrote about American’s possible intervention in the Syrian conflict. Since that time President Obama has met with Russia’s Putin and other world leaders seeking allies in his efforts to strike a blow against Syria’s President Assad. Our friends are not interested. Only France , Canada and a few lessor lights are willing to aim their gun fights in Syria’s direction.
A friend asked me this past weekend, “What is the Christian position on America’s retaliation strike again Syria?’ The answer depends on the one doing the answering, but here’s my take on it. Only a righteous nation can wage a righteous war. That may sound corny, but there is truth in it. How can a nation that condones the abortion of millions of its own unborn, condemn the gassing of Syrian children? Who set America up as the gate keeper on the world’s morality? The truth is, although multitudes of Americans are horrified at the pictures we have seen of the dead, surely we KNOW American intervention is not about the hundreds gassed by the Assad regime. No, no! It is not about that. Politics in our modern world are seldom that simple- or noble! Always there are those behind the scene agendas, however greedy and self serving they may be, that drive our policies.
In this situation, it is very difficult to find a “we win” scenario. There are so many rebel factions inside Syria that no one can foresee a bright future for the West or democracy. Shitites, Sunnis, Al Quida, Muslim brotherhood and their kin are vested in this fight. Put yourself in the place of the Israeli army next door, watching the smoke rise and hearing the bombs burst. They are sitting there on the border, waiting for the missiles to come their way again. It reminds me years ago when my bird dog and a buddy’s dog got into a “male dog” dominance fight. I tried to reach in there and pull them apart, only to have both of them bite me!
Nuff said, President Obama. Nuff said….it is not our fight!