Living in the midst of the African culture is an adventure. Just little things Americans take for granted are missing. For instance, I have a small TV in my room at the 24/7 motel in Mukono, Uganda. But, and I do mean but, it only gets 1 channel and that choice is made in the bar downstairs! You can imagine the content-ugh.
Last night the disco below my room rattled my bed til 3AM. Somehow, that beat is lodged deep into my psyche. What a night!
We will fly out of here tomorrow afternoon, having completed our Pastor Training. 43 guys have had their boat rocked and their culture challenged by our presentation of Biblical theology and the vision to become a Biblical preacher.
On this 3 week safari we have now trained 108 of our 450 pastors, using the ESV study bible. I will return in September to finish the task with our men in Rwanda, Burundi, and Tanzania.
I could use your help in purchasing study bibles for these pastors. Think on it, and donate to buy a few Bibles.
I am still strong in the fight, though a bit too much disco right now…