On Saturday, we taught how to prepare sermon and interpret the word of God. This was a special day for these two lessons. It was good because every participants was very passionate to read and interpret the word. Also preaching was very good. I gave them the book of 2 Kings 5:1-14 as a practical verse. They did a wonderful job. Each attendee was very happy of this lessons. One pastor said,
“Please pray for us and ask people to join us in prayers as we really need God’s wisdom. I have been a pastor for years but I did not know how to prepare sermon and even to study the bible. I have been boring people. People in my church have been leaving with nothing to apply in their lives. Thank you guys. I know it is not only me, but we are many pastors we do not know how to prepare sermons. Thanks for bringing us this conference. It is the best key men and women conference I have ever seen. I have changed much and am going to share these materials with my people and my fellow pastors and I will reproduce and be able to feed my church very healthy food.”