I have been thinking much about “failure.” Like it or not-we humans fail… and we do it often!
Also, we fail in multiple different ways. We have failed lives, failed marriages, failed parenting, failed children, failed careers, failed promises, failed obedience, & failed self-esteem.
To the surprise of some, the Bible is a book about failures and failing people.
Just look at them, heroes all, but fallen, failing heroes; like Abraham, Jacob, Samson, King Saul, King David, Simon Peter, Saul/Paul & John Mark.
It is interesting to note that the Bible never uses the noun “failure” in regard to its hero’s of the faith. Maybe that is because God always sees the possibilities in us. He can do what we cannot seem to do. God can look beyond our sins, faults, and failures and see our possibilities and potential.
With that is mind, let offer a few insights from God’s point of view…the only view that really matters.
Proposition #1 Sinning is life’s greatest failure.
This is true because our rebellion and sin limits our God ordained potential. Our sin defeats Destiny. Remember, Paul called sin a ‘falling short’ (Romans 3:23). When we Sin, it is much more than a failing, it is also a falling. Yes, sin causes us to fall short of all God has for us. We fall short of His goals for us, short of our dreams and His. Sin limits our destiny.
We should never minimize sin as just a mistake, or poor judgment. It is far more than that.
Let me remind you that not all our failings are sin. Some are just ignorance or stupidity! There is unintentional failure. We can overcome our failings through self effort, but only God can forgive our sins! Your greatest failure is to live your life apart from God’s purpose and miss your God appointed Destiny.
Proposition #2 It is a mistake to call yourself a failure.
Again, the noun “failure” is not a biblical idea. You and I fail many times and in many ways, but God never gives up on you, calling you a failure.
When I say of myself, “I am a failure” then my short comings have become toxic. They are a settled, poisoned, disposition and attitude about self.
The night that Judas Escariot betrayed Christ, our Lord at the Passover meal offered Judas friendship. However, Judas continued his plans to betray Jesus, then, seeing himself as a Failure, he hanged himself.
God does not define us based on performance, but he defines us by His grace & the potential he sees in us through Christ. You are never a Failure in God’s eyes, only a sinner He can redeem.
When I can see my life as God sees it-failing daily but beloved of the Father, then I become a work in progress. God isn’t finished with me yet!
to be continued…