In 2005, BWM hired a young man named Renatus to show the Jesus film in villages of western Tanzania. He planted many churches; and trained another young man named Charles to do the ministry also. Charles then was hired and began showing the Jesus film in other villages and more churches were planted. Charles trained pastor Malingira whose story is told in the attached narrative.
Pastor Malingira has been pastoring Kanoge church under this shade for the last four years. He started out at a town center, but he found that he could not afford to pay a rent. He said to His family I will go start a church near by the farmers. He started with only kids, he would sing and pray with the kids. Later on women started joining him, after he met our ACT man brother Charles and started encouraging him by conducting some trainings and showing Jesus Films. As a result now his church has grown, he has both men and women as well as children.
His request on the last day of roofing his church, he asked for our prayers, as he is working on planting at least three more churches, so as to make sure all Herds men hear the Word of God and his main challenge now is training at least four more young men to help him lead those new churches.
After four years of meeting under a tree, a ministry partner to BWM, Global Outreach, built this church and roof for Pastor Malingira. They need Bibles and other materials, maybe you dear reader can help them.
Go to and see how you can give or pray for us.